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Monday, June 20, 2011

U-Verse: Knight In Shining Armor?

Well, I just got a call from the AT&T Executive Office Appeals and Escalation Team in San Diego, and I finally got an answer about if and when U-Verse will be coming to my 1.5 Mb/s neighborhood in the heart of the capital of the 8th largest economy in the world.


Hey, at least it's this year. Yes, after three written complaints to the CPUC and two to the FCC, I can now say that the issue is closed for now. Or is it?

I was in San Francisco yesterday, and some friends of mine who are in the same 1.5 Mb/s doldrums I'm in say that their problem isn't AT&T being unwilling to bring U-Verse to their doorstep; instead, it's the NIMBY neighbors who don't want another ugly box on the street. These are the same people with an average of 3 computers, 2 iPhones, and an iPad.

Back here in Sacto, I have friends who have U-Verse who say it's no great shakes. The problem, apparently, is still lack of bandwidth back to the AT&T central office. It's like taking an Autobahn-type on-ramp to an I-5 made of dirt.

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